Important Troop Formations

Important formations for your troops. All information are if you join a rally. For starting rallies always use your strongest heros with good skills.

Do not use Gina to start a rally! Gina has no useful skills in a battle, even if she is at a maximum level.

If you don't know how to save a troop formation check out: How To Save Troop Formations


Alliance Championship

In Alliance Championship we use a ratio of:

Infantry Lancer Marskman
60 15 25



The general attack formation. It might need to change depending on the formation of your enemy.

  • Lead Hero: Jessie or Jasser
Infantry Lancer Marskman
50 20 30


Infantry Lancer Marskman
60 15 25


When we occupy a builing, for example during the SvS battle we need to replenish the troops that have been injured by enemy attacks. We need to make sure that the overall ratio in the garrison stays at the defense ratio.

Infantry troops will get injured first, therefore we must send more infantry as replenishment. Save a troop formation with:

Infantry Lancer Marskman
70 10 20

This is the general troop formation for replenishment. Depending on the existing ratio in the garrison your R4s might announce another ratio, e.g. if the garrison needs more archers.

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